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  • 时间:2020-02-13 11:25
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本文利用2017年中国上市制造业企业的发展数据,运用PSM即倾向得分匹配法研究了税收优惠对我国制造业企业R&DResearch and Development 研究与开发) 研发投入的激励效应,并在得出的结论的基础上提出了相应的政策建议。首先介绍了写作的研究背景以及意义,同时梳理和归纳国内外学者们的研究文献,总结他们的结论和观点。接着说明本文研究方法和创新之处,以及写作过程中遇到问题和本文研究的不足。 然后又介绍了税收介入制造业R&D的理论基础和作用机理。分别从理论上来说明我国制造业企业R&D投入与经济增长的关系、税收优惠的理论基础以及实施效果。其次,在介绍我国制造业企业R&D投入现状的同时,又介绍梳理了我国R&D税收优惠政策的发展历程以及我国制造业企业R&D税收优惠政策现状。然后运用倾向得分法进行实证分析,分析R&D税收优惠的激励效果,以制造业的上市企业的数据为样本。回归分析税收优惠政策对企业制造业R&D投入激励效果。最后得出结论并提出政策建议,在经济学分析和数理分析的基础上,提出完善激励制造业企业R&D投入的税收优惠政策建议。





As Chinas economy has entered a period of new normal,the development of the real economy becomes more difficult,and the problem of manufacturing industry is big but not strong becomes increasingly prominent. To overcome this dilemma,we mast achieve the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry,and enhance the independent innovation capability of Chinas manufacturing enterprises. As the important means for government to control the economy and promote social development, taxation policies can stimulate the enterprises to carryout R&D. It is of great value to research how to use governments subsidy policies tax preferential policies and other taxation policies to promote the manufacturing enterprises to increase R&D investment.

Domestic and foreign scholars have conducted theoretical analysis and empirical research on the impact of tax incentives on enterprises R&D investment from different perspectives. Foreign related theoretical analysis and research methods are very valuable,because they started earlier. But the research background were not based on Chinas situation,therefore the reference value of their research results is limited. Chinas related researches started late,and most of the researches are theoretical policies analysis and macro data researches. There is less empirical research on specific industries and enterprises of different scales in China. This paper makes a comparative study of large-scale,middle-scale and small-scale enterprises in manufacturing industry. Based on the existing researches ,this paper also makes a more detailed analysis of the relationship between tax incentives and enterprises R&D investment.

Based on the research methods of domestic and foreign scholars and the development data of Chinese listed manufacturing enterprises in 2017, this paper studies the incentive effect of tax incentives on R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing enterprises by using PSM, i.e. propensity score matching method, and puts forward corresponding policy recommendations on the basis of the conclusions drawn.

This paper first introduces the research background and significance of writing, at the same time combs and summarizes the research literature of scholars at home and abroad, and summarizes their conclusions and views. Then it explains the research methods and innovations, as well as the problems encountered in the writing process and the inadequacies of this study. Then it introduces the theoretical basis and mechanism of tax intervention in manufacturing R&D. It explains the relationship between R&D investment and economic growth, the theoretical basis of tax preference and the effect of implementation. Secondly, while introducing the current situation of R&D investment of manufacturing enterprises in China, it also introduces the development process of R&D tax preferential policies and the status quo of R&D tax preferential policies of manufacturing enterprises in China. Then we use the tendency score method to analyze the incentive effect of R&D tax incentives, and take the data of listed manufacturing enterprises as samples. Regression analysis of incentive effect of tax preferential policies on R&D investment in manufacturing industry. Finally, it draws conclusions and puts forward policy suggestions. On the basis of economic analysis and mathematical analysis, it puts forward tax preferential policy suggestions to improve the incentive for manufacturing enterprises to invest in R&D.

Key words: Manufacturing Enterprises; Tax Preferences; R&D Input





发达国家的长期发展来源于其不断地创新,而我国由于劳动力成本较低,我国的制造业主要是劳动密集型产业,技术含量较低,主要从事的是流水线工作,缺乏创新性活动。可是随着近几年我国劳动力成本的不断上升,这就要求我国制造业要寻找新的出路,国务院提出“大众创业、万众创新”的口号,并指出经济发展进入新常态,需要从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动。 这就要求我们要加大对制造业的研发投入的支出,支持制造业的研发活动。




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